Who will be wearing River Island + Ashish at London Fashion Week?

riverisland_798027Come September we're going to see lots of fashionistas wearing the River Island + Ashish collaboration. I can't help but love Ashish's collections, they are fun, happy, easy to wear and beautiful. Somehow they mean something, they feel more than just clothes... It's personal, Ashish's collections have always had some kind of message from 'I'm Serious', 'Love & Devotion' + 'Immigrant'. This collection is more tongue in cheek with slogans like “sick of all this chic” and “good in bed”. It's a 15 piece  collection of over-sized sleeping bag puffer jackets, sparkly slip dresses, loungewear, and embroidered pyjamas - which I've been coveting since his 2010 collection...so I hope to buy a pair! I kind of like the 'Doom & Gloom' dress too - I think we all have days where we feel like this. A slogan just allows us to say how we really feel.Ashish Gupta was born in India where he studied fine art and then moved to London for an MA in fashion design at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design. Previous participants in Design Forum include Sibling, Eudon Choi and Georgia Hardinge.riverisland_798029 riverisland_798030


It's that time of year again! London Fashion Week


Shopping in Crete: Georgina Skalid