Yes, You have Superpowers!

img_8534We all have something that we're good at, a superpower but we don't always know what it is. It's important to stop and look at the things we're good at and enjoy doing. It might be obvious what you're good at but sometimes it might be your underlying skill set that would make you good at several things you've never even thought of before. For example, I know I'm a good stylist but trying to understand why one is good at something is hard. You have to step back and break it down. Liking fashion doesn't make you a good stylist, but you do need to like fashion and it's a starting point. I know I'm creative but I've always found that such a funny intangible word. One my strengths is that I'm become calmer the more chaotic things become and I'm good at finding solutions - this is quite useful for when problems happen backstage at a fashion show or if things aren't going according to plan on a shoot. I also like organising people, bring interesting people together. Shoots are like that, you bring a group of strong minded, creative people together & you make something new. I also enjoy bringing people I that I admire together. As I stylist I don't have as many 'things' as people expect me to have, rather I like to think I collect people. I'm more interested in people than things. In my dreams I have this flat in Paris and all my friends from different countries meet there for dinner, they stay up late chatting in all sorts of different languages and sometimes I leave them chatting and head off to bed. I try and emulate this in my day life. I like inviting a group of friends out, who haven't all met before. I'm sure that they'd all get along and have so much to offer one another. Plus it would simply be a fun night out.Find out the things you do well and enjoy. If you're not sure ask you're friends what they think you're good at it might surprise you. We all have superpowers!


Natalie Sisson of the The Suitcase Entrepreneur explains that our “superpower/sweet spot” is the cross-section of three things:

What: Things we’re good at.Why: Things we are passionate about.How: Things we can do that people will pay us for.

My post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 4  


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