Run Like a Girl!


Do you run like a girl? I hope so!!! You might have already seen this video as it came out in 2014 by award-winning documentary filmmaker Lauren Greenfield. It was a social experiment for the brand Always. It made me think of the Friends' episode with Phoebe running in Central Park - running like a girl with limbs flying (like the stereotype) but owning it, expressing herself and having so much fun.

I get tired of stereotypes and this video shows that when people were asked to do something like a girl - run, throw, fight etc they all had exaggerated limbs flailing about and silly facial expressions - it's no wonder our self-esteem is shot to hell by the time we reach puberty - but things are changing. I think girls like Tavi Gevinson and Kate Nash are role models for young girls - which is really important and something I didn't have while growing up. Lauren then asked a group of young girls to run like a girl - and they ran - and boy does that it make you feel proud to be like a girl. So the next time you go for a run, or even if you're just running for the bus - be proud and run like a girl!

[youtube XjJQBjWYDTs 600]

Agency: Leo Burnett

[youtube rfaztVg4kaA 600]

mone-davis-1024Throw like a girl - Mo'ne Davis can throw a baseball 70 mph - she played in the 2014 Little League World Series and is the first girl to earn a win and to pitch a shutout in Little League World Series history!


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