Triumph Lingerie at London Fashion Week

20120923-212618.jpgEvery season a few weeks before London Fashion Week it's impossible to buy a seamless thong in London. I think every stylist is buying about 20 pairs for their show so they quickly sell out. Well this season everything changed for the better. I was very happy to learn that Triumph Lingerie was the official sponsor of London Fashion Week. Weeks before doing the prep for Corrie Nielsen's show they contacted to us to see what pieces we would like to use. Corrie has some pencil skirts so VPL (visible panty lines) were not an option and we had a sheer blouse and thought it would look elegant with a nude bra underneath. I'm such an obsessive believer in wearing the appropriate lingerie with the right outfit as it can make such a difference in how your clothes sit on the body that Triumph asked me to speak about lingerie at London Fashion Weekend to their VIPs![youtube BYhzV400VkI 640 480]20120923-212607.jpg20120923-212549.jpg


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