No Doubt

I've always been a fan of No Doubt so I'm looking forward to their next album, Rock Steady. it should be out in the next few months! Their first album 'No Doubt' came out in 1992 and they haven't released an album since 2001 but have been working on this one since 2008 with a break as Gwen Stefani had a baby.

I absolutly love Gwen Stefani - she one of my style icons. I love that she never has roots and she's been blond since she was about 14.

She's had her own fashion label LAMB since 2003 (her mother helped make her clothes when she first started performing. She also played Jean Harlow in The Aviator. There are lots of blonds with red lips, from Marilyn Monroe to Deborah Harry but to make this look your own takes something special.


Wooden Hats by Keely Hunter


Great Website - Look at my fucking red trousers!