Kate Nash Postcard Auction for Feminism in London

One of the things that I admire most about Kate Nash is that she speaks her mind and she really lives what she believes. Kate created this postcard and it's going to be be auctioned off next week at the Aubin Gallery to raise funds for a Feminism in London conference this month.

I asked Kate about her postcard and here's what she has to say about it:

'More people should be aware of the fact that feminism is a good thing, it isn't discriminative or a bad word, if you believe in equality between the sexes then you're a feminist, you are not a feminazi, dyke, granny or bitch. My postcard is an album cover for my yet to be released new record. The record I'll sell when I feel like selling myself, as a musician, smart, opinionated & creative person isn't enough. That actually as a woman, I can utilise my body & dumb down to help sell more records & become the dream that is 'non offensive generic pop music' & essentially wank material. Sex sells, it's never been more aparent than today. You can apply to the x factor, appear in 3 episodes,  fail the audition & still make a short lived career for yourself if you wear the right amount of clothing. The charts are made up of the songs you hear on tv ads & friendly phone companies are pioneers in the music industry. A confusing day & age for a little girl in a big bad world. Tips for the future ladies: Art will always be remembered & intelligence is empowerment.'


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