Mary Queen of Shops - John Peers episode!

I was on a recent episode of Mary Queen of Shops and it was actually quite an amazing experience. Mary Portas was working with hair stylist John Peers, whose business was stuck in the past and suffering financially. John Peers was really lovely and is such a genuinely kind person that you just want him to do well. It's quite astounding how Mary Portas is able to turn someone's business around in a very short time. The effort that goes into the show to save a business is extraordinary and a lot of the lessons learned can really be applied to any business model.

I love that John also has a good website as well - it's easy to use and you can book online. It's great to have a shop and it's also smart business to use the web and social networking to drive your business forward!

I grew up in Canada, which is more the land of giant malls than quaint little shops and boutiques, and this is one of the things that I love about Britain - local shops, so I really admire what Mary Portas is doing and felt very lucky to be part of this episode!


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