Rebecca Pearson - Model Interview

I met Rebecca Pearson a few weeks back on a shoot and she was so fun to work with. She just made modeling look easy. A good model is not just a pretty face - of course she will have a pretty face but a good model really makes the clothes live, and she knows how to work it!

How did you become a model?
I'm afraid there's no fascinating or unique story here.....I was scouted outside Topshop in Oxford Circus at 16, a la every English model who wasn't scouted at the Clothes Show!

What do you think is the biggest preconception that people have about the modeling industry?
Wow, there are so many! I'd say the biggest though, is that it's a shallow, vacuous and bitchy world. Really, I've met some of the warmest, most creative and interesting people who passionately care about what they do.

I might also note that most models are usually studying or doing something on the side.....they're often very independent and savvy, not braindead bimbos. I'm pretty sure a lot of my friends couldn't cope with being thrown into a foreign city, with a list of 10 obscure places to find for castings as you figure out different public transport in a day, whilst being shouted at by your agency for being late/having another casting/having to make it to a job in ten minutes on the other side of town, as well as sharing a room with 5 new strangers you might not even like, and being presentable and friendly at all times.....probably starving hungry....and in high heels!

Is the industry different than you expected?
No, I didn't have those preconceptions really, I went into it looking forward to an exciting and interesting, (though ultimately short-lived), experience! Now most people and family members tell me when I started that they were frightened I'd turn into a wanker. I'd like to think this hasn't happened....

What is the most go sees / castings you’ve done in a day?
Ooooh, I think 12 in a day, in Paris. It is easier there though, as it's so small and most places are a maximum ten minute walk from the Metro. Paris is beautiful.

Have you travelled a lot as a model? What cities have you lived in?
I've lived in Paris, Tokyo and Athens, but travelled on trips to some far flung places.....Cuba, India, The Caribbean, Switzerland and Italy, to name but a few....however, the BEST trip I ever did was 4 days in Wales, staying in a beach hut with 8 other people! It was for the book Freedom in Flashes, by Diane Scheunemann.

In 2008 you were the MC for the SuperSuper show. How have you been involved in the magazine?
I went out with a guy called Tom, from Trash Fashion (you may know their seminal hit 'It's a Rave Dave'!!! I met Namalee through him, and massively got on with her......she said she wanted me for the cover (where I was dressed as a monster chav!) and got me to write a column, Diary of a SuperSuperModel. I've got to admit - I was at uni and not doing many shoots, so it was mainly about going out to parties, doing revision and snogging boys! I got to do some interviews too thoough, like with my friend Anita Blay (Cocknbullkid), Lady Gaga and Daisy Lowe.

What type of music do you like? Any Favourites?

I don't want to be cliche and say 'eclectic'....but.....! Well, I love 60s music, like The Velvet Underground. I loooove Patti Smith, who I recently met on her book signing for Just Kids (read it!). My housemate Gwil is from the Golden SIlvers, so I rate them obviously, and I've been getting him to teach me more about hip hop. And lately I well love folk music - Matty Groves by Fairport Convention is a fave, because I remember my mum singing it to me. I sort of remember finding the song scary and a bit sexy? I was very young. It's about Lord Donal walking in on his wife in bed with Matty and killing them.

Do you look more like your mum or your dad?
I'd say my mum for the eyes, chubby cheeks and colouring (she's Anglo-Indian), but I've definitely got my dad's strong nose and height! People get shy about having big noses but I think that's silly! Us Pearsons are all tall, slim, shiny of face and big of nose.

What is your favourite coffee shop?
Spiral Cafe in Camden....I don't like coffee but they do well yummy vegan food (though I am omnivore) and I like watching the variety of crusties/cyberpunks/Spanish tourists/Camden oddbods wander in. Actually Miss Dynamite was in there the other day! I like buying their cakes and pretending to myself they're healthier.

To view Rebecca's portolio at First Model Management click here.


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