Liberty Prints Charming - Exhibition

Celebrate the versatility of the Liberty print - this is the department store's brick façade that faces Carnaby Street painted with the classic Betsy floral print! Arthur Liberty first began printing fabrics in 1875. The exhibition has a series of one-off pieces that have been specially commissioned giving a whole new meaning to textile design!

The hand-sewn boudoir dolls have a 50s pin-up/ femme fatale about them are created by textile artist Amanda Fatheraz. I love the Wendy House, it's covered in strips of Liberty fabric developed by Liberty print enthusiast and art student Helen Benigson.  It's a small but very full exhibition so you can go through it quite quickly but it's really worth taking your time and looking everything from the bicycle basket to the furniture. The exhibit ends on Wednesday September 2nd 2009.

Liberty, 4th Floor, Regent Street, London W1


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