Fashion.Music.Style Magazine

Fashion.Music.Style is a new independent magazine. There is never a good time to start a new magazine but Sarah Hardy the Publisher & Editor-in-Chief just felt there was a niche missing in the marketplace and she has a great passion for Indie bands! The magazine features new talent and unsigned bands alongside industry icons - including profiles, interviews, fashion shoots, events and reviews.

We shot the bands in central London. It was quite good fun - for most of the bands it was their first photo shoot, so it's really to cool be part of something right from the beginning!

The magazine launches November 24th for the December/January issue. What's cool about this magazine is it comes with a CD of 5 unsigned bands. The first issue's CD features Younghearts, The Black Lies, No Picasso, Sol Devious and Alex Starling. The bands will also be performing at the launch party with DJs George (Screaming 66), Princesses Des Pommes, Mike South and Jamie (Grimble & Porn).


Another Silver Handbag!


The Power of Phillys fashion!