Fashion Shows

img147.jpgimg148.jpgimg145.jpgModel Lianna Fowler was at the casting, I met her at the PPQ party a while back so I'm so happy we can cast her. I think she's fab!I love styling shows and working with designers. I've been styling a fashion show this week. There's lots to organize: you need a hair and make up team, a manicurist, dressers, and music for the show etc. You might need shoes & stockings etc. Most importantly it's all about the model. Castings can take time but when you find the right girl it's worth it! You know you want someone tall who fit's the clothes perfectly and has a certain look and then it becomes about personality. Of course the model has to meet certain criteria but then the finally casting is all about the girl!I loved choosing the jewellery for the show. I went to Old Bond Street to look at all sorts of wonderful necklaces, earrings and bracelets that we might use! It's so exiting to see the looks come together. Should be fun!


Karen Brost & Chaumet at Claridges
